Flavor Profile: A unique type of tea, which is fermented and aged. This one is some thirty years old, yielding an elegant balance of flavors; earthy yet clear; full yet delicate; notes of mushroom in a wet field, kissed by a late summer, setting sun.
Steeping Guidelines: 2 tsp | 8oz | 208 F | 1-2 min | Steep at least three times.
Origin: Yunnan Province, China
Cultivated according to age-old organic farming practices, without any chemical pesticides, fertilizers in any way - just pure Camellia sinensis tea leaves. These tea leaves come from old growth trees, which have never encountered a chemical, because they have never needed to. They are not grown in a traditional garden. Instead, they are grown in a biodynamic style; nurtured in their natural habitat, high up in the fecund mountains of Yunnan province in south-west China. The untainted ecosystem provides ideal living conditions for the trees to thrive for hundreds of years.
Botanical Name: Camellia sinensis (CAFFEINATED)
Herbal Actions: Antiviral, Adaptogen companion (enhances adaptogenic effects), Antioxidant and more...
Camellia Teas, particularly green, less oxidized teas, are some of the most powerful 'adaptogen companion" herbs. These are plant medicines that when taken together with adaptogenic herbs, enhance the stress-hormone-balancing, detoxifying, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immune-boosting health benefits.